Drake Community Library Archives

Digitized copies of materials from the Drake Community Library archives. Includes photographs and documents related to the history of the Grinnell community, businesses and organizations.

Postcard view of three early (1910s) automobiles, one a Ford and one an Oakland. The postcard was sent on June 12, 1911 from Mort(?) Powers of New Sharon, Iowa, to John Mincer of Grinnell, Iowa. The X under the automobile on the right probably identifies Mr. Powers. Photo was possibly taken in New Sharon. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. McNally photographs. Collection #1, Series #1-1.

Photograph of the Jesse Fellows house at 1527 Broad Street in Grinnell, Iowa, across from Merrill Park. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. Miscellaneous photographs. Collection #17-2, Grinnell Buildings.

Pamphlet published by the Iowa Anti-Saloon League and written by W.C. Barber speaking against a bill in the Iowa Legislature (House file No. 328) which provides for the adoption of the Australian ballot in place of the mulct petition. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. Collection # 65.

Postcard view of Stewart Public Library, Grinnell, Iowa. Card is addressed to Mrs. Pearl Bedford, What Cheer, Iowa, and postmarked May 16, 1911, in Grinnell, Iowa. Postcard produced by C.U. Williams Photoette, Bloomington, Illinois. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. Miscellaneous photographs. Collection #17-1, Stewart Library.

Postcard view of the canning factory in Grinnell, Iowa. Postcard is addressed to Rob't W. Inglis, Franklin, Neb., and postmarked October, 1912. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. Miscellaneous photographs. Collection #17-2, Grinnell Buildings.

Postcard view of the Clark Lumber Company at 720 Broad Street in Grinnell, Iowa, about 1912. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. McNally photographs. Collection #1, Series #1-1.

Postcard view of the Congregational Church in Grinnell, Iowa. Postcard published by C.U. Williams Photoette in Bloomington, Illinois. Postcard is addressed to a Bortell in Grinnell, Iowa, and was written in Coon Rapids on May 31st and is signed, "Hat." Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. Miscellaneous photographs. Collection #17-2, Grinnell Buildings.

Postcard view of Fourth Avenue in Grinnell, Iowa, looking west from the intersection of Broad Street and 4th Avenue. Mud streets, boardwalks, electrical lines along sidewalks. Postcard addressed to Mrs. Frank Felt in Mason City, Iowa, and postmarked June 26, 1912, in Grinnell. Postcard produced by C.U. Williams Photoette, Bloomington, Illinois. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. Miscellaneous photographs. Collection #17-2, Grinnell Buildings.

Seven horse-drawn delivery wagons from the Co-operative Delivery Co. in Grinnell, Iowa. Kingsland blacksmith shop in the background. Picture possibly taken at corner of 3rd Ave and West St., Grinnell, Iowa. Picture dated March, 27, 1912. Names of drivers given as: Sony, Jim, Austin, Dock, Monk, Ret, Dan, Toad and Stoops. Name on back of photograph is Homer Dawkins. Drake Community Library Archives. Oversize photos.

Leaflet, probably published by the Iowa Anti-Saloon League in 1912, summarizing anti-saloon legislation and advocating for the election of senators supportive of temperance reform in the November 1912 election. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. Collection # 65.

In this book for children, Peter and Polly meet as kittens, play together, go to school, fall in love, marry, have kittens of their own, and grow old together. Accompanying the story of their adventures are colored photographs of the "real" Peter and Polly, who were the pets of nature photographer Cornelia Clarke. As a young girl, Clarke, who grew up on a farm outside of Grinnell, taught herself the photographic arts by taking pictures of her cats with her father's camera. These photographs, which were originally in black and white, represent her early work. Original plate-glass negatives for six of the twenty-four photographs in Peter and Polly are in the Archives at Drake Community Library. Another original glass-plate negative of a photograph in Peter and Polly is housed in the Grinnell Historical Museum. Clarke was a premier nature photographer, well-known for her exquisite photographs of plants, insects, and animals, which were published both nationally and internationally. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. Cornelia Clarke Collection. Collection #237.

Photograph of South School students in Grinnell, Iowa, about 1912. South School was replaced by Davis Elementary School in 1918. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. McNally photographs. Collection #1, Series #1-1.

Photograph of a 1912 Spaulding Fore Door. This was the first Spaulding model to have the front seat area enclosed by foreward doors. The Spaulding automobile was manufactured by the Spaulding Manufacturing Company in Grinnell, Iowa. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. Miscellaneous photographs. Collection #17-4, Spaulding Company.

Color postcard view of the Congregational Church on the corner of 4th Avenue and Broad Street in Grinnell, Iowa. Postcard is addressed to M.A. Batcher, Eddyville, Iowa, and postmarked April 27, 1912, in Grinnell, Iowa. Postcard published by Jno. T. Faber Publisher, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. Miscellaneous photographs. Collection #17-2, Grinnell Buildings.

Postcard view of Arbor Lake in Grinnell, Iowa. Boathouse visible in the distance; bridge in the foreground. Picture is taken looking to the southeast. Published by Iowa Calendar Co., Marshalltown, Iowa. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. McNally photographs. Collection #1, Series #1-1.

Color postcard view of Fourth Avenue in Grinnell, Iowa, looking west from approximately the intersection of Fourth Avenue and Broad Street. The Old Stone Church (Congregational) is visible on the right hand side. Buggies are parked along the south side of the street next to Central Park. Postcard is addressed to Miss Maggie King, Cincinnati, Iowa, and postmarked August 5, 1913. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. Miscellaneous photographs. Collection #17-2, Grinnell Buildings.

Members of the Poweshiek Club, Grinnell, Iowa, in 1913. Top row: Grant Ramsey, J.P. Ryan, Harry Harris, Scott MacEachron, Lambert Woods, Louis Kemmerer, Jesse Fellows, Fred Spaulding. Middle Row: Tad Lyon, John Gannaway, Ernest Spaulding, Harry Lamphere, Ben Ricker, L.G. Lemley, C.A. Radford, Ed Brande, Harold Beyer. Bottom Row: Harry Lyman, C.E. Harris, Will Haydon, George Hamlin, A.L. Frisbie, Sam Buck, Bert Clark, J.D. Stoops. Drake Community Library Archives. Oversize photos.

Winter time view of the south side of Fourth Avenue east of Main Street in Grinnell, Iowa. The Grinnell Savings Bank is visible. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. Main Street Slides, p.31, slide1.

Photograph of a Spaulding automobile on the steps of the Iowa State Capitol in Des Moines, Iowa. The legend on the verso of the photo says: "The only loaded car to climb Iowa State Capital [sic] steps -- Climbed steps both west and east side of Capital [sic] building." Occupants of car are identified as follows: Front seat: E.H. Spaulding in drivers seat; Hal Wells in passenger seat. Rear seat, left to right: C.B. Kurtz, Spaulding Manufacturing Motor Car department Supt.; Fred Claiborne, part owner Claiborne Reno Paint Co,.Des Moines, and director of River to River; unidentified; Geo. L. Towne, realtor, Des Moines. Hal Wells held the cross state record in the River to River road race and the world's dirt road record, made in October 1913. Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. Miscellaneous photographs. Collection #17-4, Spaulding Company.

Postcard with an image of the Spaulding Exposition Car. Legend reads: " Spaulding San Diego distributor and Official Panama Exposition car logging and filming Ocean to Ocean Highway from San Diego, California, to New York." Drake Community Library (Grinnell, Iowa) Archives. Miscellaneous photographs. Collection #17-4, Spaulding Company.