Grinnell Historical Museum

Photographs from the collection of the Grinnell Historical Museum.

Black and white photograph of Billy Robinson's "Scout" parasol monoplane, the first design he built at the Grinnell Aeroplane Company.

Black and white photograph of the Spaulding Racer, a lightweight two-seat open-top car built on a stock chassis that broke the records for fastest time driving across Iowa and for highest speed on a dirt road during the 1913 River-to-River race. A sign on the car reads "THIS "SPAULDING" STOCK CHASSIS HOLDS THE CROSS STATE RECORD AND WORLD'S HIGH SPEED DIRT ROAD RECORD 337.8 MILES IN 8 HRS.14 MIN"

Black and white photograph of a Spaulding open-top four-door car (model unknown) in front of a house. The license number is 47408 W/15. Three people are sitting in the car: a boy in white clothes and straw hat, a woman whose hat has a very large puff of some sort on the left side, and a man in the driver's seat who is wearing a suit and small brimmed hat. The car is in the yard of a dark colored frame house.

Copy of an ad for the Spaulding H 5-passenger car in the January 1914 issue of 'The Automobile' magazine. At the time, this Sleeper car sold for $1875. The ad is titled "Spaulding Radically Refines Bodies" and describes the changes and benefits of this newest model

A black and white photograph of what we assume are Davis School teachers. The photograph includes seven women, who are identified on the back of the photograph, one of whom includes Lizzie Davis, the namesake of the school. From the left: Ethel Trotter, Ina Sprague, Bertha Smith, Vesta Atkinson, unknown, Ms. Daggett, Lizzie Davis.

A photograph of Lena M. Sprague (1892-1962) in her cap and gown for college graduation. Lena Sprague was a member of the Methodist Church, graduated from Grinnell High School, and received a bachelor of arts degree from Grinnell College. She worked as an assistant to the city clerk for 30 years and never married.

Portrait of Lena Sprague, around high school graduation age, wearing a white, ankle-length dress with three-quarter length eyelet lace sleeves. She wears a bracelet and locket necklace while resting her hands on a podium.

Black and white photograph of U.S. soldiers from WWI standing at attention in a line. A handwritten date of 1916 is on the bottom of the photograph.

Hoyt and June Veber, playmates of Don (1914-1980) and Paul (1915-1980) Anderson. Hoyt is wearing a buttoned shirt, belt, and rolled-up pants and June is wearing a white dress. The photograph is enclosed in a stiff paper leather-look booklet.

Black and white photographic print (or possibly copy of an ambrotype) showing an adult Ralph Lyman Longley (1892-1980), although there is a question mark after his name on the back. This young man has a wonderful pompadour hairstyle. Ralph was a farmer and author of "Cabin on the Second Ridge."

Black and white photographic portrait of Alexander Manson (1875-1966) in police uniform with a badge reading "CHIEF" on his cap. Manson served as chief of police in Grinnell from 1921 through 1939. Judging by his appearance, this photograph was most likely taken in the 1920s. During World War I he joined the YMCA and served as secretary with overseas duty in Paris for 2 1/2 years.

Postcard with colorized photograph of Broad Street, West of Park, Grinnell, addressed to Ethel Longley (1884-9/19/1961).

A postcard with a black and white photograph of the North Side Square in Montezuma, IA. A grocery store can be seen on the right, while cars can be seen on the left of the photograph. The postcard, mailed with a one cent stamp, is addressed to Miss Martha Eames in Gilman, Iowa, and was sent on January 31, 1922. The back of the photograph has the following letter: "Dear Dolly / Jan 31 / Just read your letter / am alright glad to hear from you / am going to Club with the Clerk tonight / was all [...] / [...] thinks this case will last the rest of this work / how is Grandma and mama / did she get pretty tried (tired?) Mon / must go to Court now / your father ?"

Black and white photograph of the Old Stone Church in 1923. The church was on the north east corner of Broad Street and Fourth Avenue.

A black and white photograph of the Old Stone Church in Grinnell, Iowa before 1952.

1920s-model car in Grinnell, Iowa parade, c. 1940s

Black and white photograph showing interior view of First Congregational Church / Old Stone Church facing the altar. The large pipe organ is visible at the back, along with ribbed vaults, columns, and mezzanine railings.

Black and white photograph showing a woman standing outdoors in front of a house wearing a fur coat. There is snow on the ground. Judging by the woman's facial structure, her fur coat, and the approximate date of this photograph, the woman is likely Annie Williams Woomer Turner. An earlier picture shows a young Annie Williams Woomer wearing what appears to be the same coat.

Black and white photograph of Ina Sprague (1891-1979), lifelong resident of Grinnell. Ina was principal of the Davis School for 28 years until her retirement in 1956.

Black and white photograph of the Old Stone Church in Grinnell, showing the bell tower.