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American Memorials, American Memorials: Tutorial, Fall 2002
In the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attack in the United States, many people have proposed memorials to mark the site of the tragedy, especially at the World Trade Center. Why does the American public feel the need to commemorate sacrifice, and why is there a debate over the proper form of public memory? This tutorial will explore these questions and will put the current debate in the context of a long tradition of public memorials in America.
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American Memorials and the Politics of Memory, American Memorials and the Politics or Memory: Tutorial, Fall 2004
In the post-September 11 United States, public memory has taken on heightened social importance. Plans for several September 11 memorials are well under way, and the public recollection and commemoration of the events of September 11 have taken on a large role in American political discourse. Why does the American public feel the need to commemorate sacrifice, and why is there a debate over the proper form of public memory?
Date Created
Beast and Beauties: Monstrosity and Romance in Literature and Film, Connections a hypertext resource for literature: Syllabus
The first year tutorial, taken in the fall semester, is Grinnell College's only general academic course requirement. The college intends the tutorial to assist students in further developing their critical thinking skills and in improving their written and oral communication skills. Each of the tutorials offered in a given fall semester is based around a particular subject matter, which provides the vehicle by which the above goals are accomplished. Explores literary analysis through fairy tales and Gothic fiction
Date Created
Campus Culture Wars -- Then and Now, Tutorial, Fall 1997
In recent years there has been much debate about what constitutes an appropriate undergraduate education. Discussions of multiculturalism, race and gender equality, political correctness, and much else have helped fuel sometimes stormy debates about what college students ought to learn and how. But these debates are not new, especially in American education. In this tutorial we shall examine both recent controversies and their predecessors in an effort to establish our own criteria for the proper definition of liberal education in late twentieth-century America. These discussions will conclude with each student creating his or her own four-year course of study, together with an essay justifying it on the principles of liberal education.
Date Created
Color Culture and Class, Tutorial: Color, Culture and Class
Race thinking dominates ways in which people in the United States differentiate groups of people from each other. This tutorial focuses on associations between color and culture in order to examine how racial meanings are constructed and made comprehensible as well as how they are routed through representations of class. Using a combination of texts -- academic articles, films, newspapers and advertisements -- we will explore representations of
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Computing: Limitations and Promising Developments, Computing Tutorial, Grinnell College, Fall, 2004, Tutorial, Fall 2004, Walker
The first year tutorial, taken in the fall semester, is Grinnell College's only general academic course requirement. The college intends the tutorial to assist students in further developing their critical thinking skills and in improving their written and oral communication skills. Each of the tutorials offered in a given fall semester is based around a particular subject matter, which provides the vehicle by which the above goals are accomplished. Uses the exploration of issues around artificial intelligence and computing in general
Date Created
Darwin's Legacy in the 20th Century and Beyond, Tutorial, Fall 2000
The goals of this course are: 1) to develop your skills in the areas of critical thinking, writing, and oral communication. 2) to integrate you fully into the college environment by providing you with advice regarding your course of study and other necessary assistance. Although the subject matter is expansive and interesting in its own right, we should remember that the readings are not an end to themselves, but are intended to be a springboard to facilitate the development of your skills. We will consider the impact of Darwin's thought in four areas: 1) the relationship between science and religion, 2) the question of design in nature, 3) current scientific understanding of the origin of life on earth (and related questions regarding extra-terrestrial life), and 4) application of Darwin's ideas to questions regarding human nature.
Date Created