Code and experimental data for the ICDAR 2019 paper by Weinman et al. introducing deep convolutional and recurrent neural networks for end-to-end, open-vocabulary text reading on historical maps.
Provides information about locally produced foods in the Grinnell (Iowa) area and includes a listing of area producers and the foods they raise and sell.
The mathematical parallels between electrostatics and laminar fluid flow are exploited to develop a set of exercises that allow introductory physics students to discover Gauss's Law.
We report fndings of reciprocal transplant experiments intended to tease apart the roles of differentiation and plasticity in producing phenotypic variation across a geographic border between two plant subspecies. Clarkia xantiana ssp. xantiana and C. xantiana ssp. parvifora are California-endemic annuals that replace each other along a westG??east gradient of declining precipitation.
We decompose the Jacobian variety of hyperelliptic curves up to genus 10, defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, with reduced automorphism group A 4 , S 4 , or A 5 .