Anthropology field study of a local high school's system around the question of college readiness through a variety of contacts with recent graduates attending college and a school administrator.
While we, as citizens of the world, are better off in a less belligerent international environment, the population of the former Soviet Union is now suffering through a difficult period of social, economic and political upheaval.
This study analyzes several rural school districts in the state of Iowa that have experienced relatively sudden demographic shifts in recent years with schools shifting from an almost totally white, English speaking population to a continually growing number of Hispanic and ESL/LEP students.
This paper considers how the Russian people feel about the world around them and about the two most significant actors in it, the United States and China.
The recent globalization of fashion has transmitted not only the American Confederate flag to other countries, but also the debate surrounding its place in popular culture. This paper investigates the case study of COOK, a popular Argentine clothing company that prominently features the Confederate flag in its logo and branding.