Student Scholarship

Selected academic work created by students at Grinnell College, including research papers, research posters, creative work, and related materials. Mentored Advanced Projects provide students opportunity to work closely with a faculty member on scholarly research or the creation of a work of art. The Frederick Baumann Prize was established in 1993 and funded by David '51 and Audrey Lowe '52 Hammer. It honors Frederick Baumann, professor of history at Grinnell from 1927 to 1954, and is awarded each spring to the student who writes the best interdisciplinary and historical essay on the general topic of "Ideas and Society."

Hiller, Joseph
Joe Hiller's submission to the 2012 Peace Studies Student Conference

Isa Adaniya, Angelica B.
Using Gambia as the location, the author explores the question of whether it is possible for Human rights organizations to work with/alongside authoritarian regimes to benefit the people in the country.

Januska, Megan
Megan Januska's submission to the 2012 Peace Studies Student Conference

Jones, Summer.
An exploration of two all-income sharing communes in Rural Virgina. Twin Oaks, founded in 1967 and Acorn, founded in 1993.

Jones, Summer.; Naborn, Lars.
Exploration of the effectiveness of the tools used by the counseling department at Grinnell High School to determine students’ postsecondary plans.

Kenvarg, Ethan
Ethan Kenvarg's submission to the 2012 Peace Studies Conference

Kieffer, Alexandra L.
Understanding why critics’ responses to Beethoven and to Schoenberg were so different lies in recognizing the commonality of the critics’ approaches.

Kim, Jinna J. E.
Paper exploring the decisions that these children of Korean immigrants make to gain membership in either Korean or American communities.

Korn, Max Aaron, 1985-; Li, Song, 1985-; McFall, Christina Julia, 1986-; Nothwehr, Erin Joanna, 1985-; Nye, Melissa, 1985-; Prescott, Anna Tekla, 1984-; Shannon, Laura Mary, 1985-; Sullivan, Janaki Ann, 1984-; Andelson, Jonathan Gary, 1949-; Allison, Rachel C.; Chu, Emmon Zun-Xun, 1985-; King, Benjamin Francis, 1984-
Student papers for Fall 2003 tutorial, Decline and Renewal in the Heartland, taught by Jonahthan G. Andelson.

Koychev, David; Pham, Hanh; Zhang, Kaiqian
The LU decomposition is a standard matrix factorization which we use to find new formulas in pure mathematics.

Kramer, Heather Anu.
A study of the effect that the layout of a room has on student study preferences in the Noyce Science Center.

Kulik, Rebecca
Rebecca Kulik's submission to the 2012 Peace Studies Student Conference

Kuure-Kinsey, Anna
This video is designed for students preparing to study abroad and contains information about the differences in nonverbal communication.

Landorf, Brittany
Brittany Landorf's submission to the 2012 Peace Studies Student Conference

Lee, Olivia
Olivia Lee's submission to the 2012 Peace Studies Student Conference

Lee, Seantasia.
Short film showing a variety of people and couples in the Joseph Rosenfield Center on the Grinnell College campus.

Lenertz, Diane
The catalog of an exhibit by the same name which focuses on Hopkins' experience as a Grinnell student and his contributions to the New Deal.

Leo, Isabella
Isabella Leo's submission to the 2012 Peace Studies Student Conference

Levin, Aaron Israel.
I Must Be Sure represents the composer's first serious excursion into writing a piece for orchestra.

Lindstrom, Jake
Jake Lindstrom's submission to the 2012 Peace Studies Student Conference