Faculty Scholarship

Publications, working papers, performance programs, and other materials that document that scholarly and creative accomplishments of Grinnell College faculty and staff.

A manuscript score of Edward Scheve's composition Tod und Auferstehung (Death and Resurrection).

A letter to Conard from a colleague at the Carnegie Institution of Washington. The letter discusses questions within phylogeny about anatomy, methods, and principles.

Introduction to paper by Henry S. Conard on plant sociology.

Two newspaper articles about Henry S. Conard's visit to Amsterdam, one from July 9th, 1935 and one from September 3rd, 1935. On this visit, he presented his paper on the sociology of American plant life to the Sixth International Botanical Congress.

List of selected publications by Henry S. Conard. dated 1905-1952

This document details major events throughout Henry Conard's life, from his birth in 1874 until 1968, three years before his death. It also includes a list of honors and society memberships.

Obituary for Henry S. Conard.

A bibliography with books by Henry Conard, based on books held in the Grinnell College Archives as of 1980.

The genera Darwiniothamnus Harling, Lecocarpus Decaisne, and Macraea Hook. f. are endemic to the Galapagos Islands. Although wood anatomy of Lecocarpus has been considered by Carlquist (1958) and Eliasson (1971), the material available hitherto has been twigs rather than mature wood. The other two genera have not been studied with respect to wood anatomy.

Hydrophyllaceae is a characteristically herbaceous family; only Eriodictyon Benth., Wigandia H.B.K., and the monotypic Turricula Macbr. can be considered woody (stems attaining a diameter of more than 1 em). Are plants such as these relicts from a woody ancestry, or is the family secondarily woody?

Wood Anatomy of Hydrophyllaceae. II. GeneraOther Tan Eriodictyon, with Comments on Parenchyma Bands Containing Vessels with Large Pits

This studiy of the anatomy of the family Polemoniaceae adds to the summaries compiled by Metcalfe and Chalk (1950 and Grant (1959)

Special Collections and Archives exhibit brochure.

A simple two-sector effort-regulation model, which assumes that the cost of job loss responds to labor's bargaining power and which acknowledges influences of institutional change, import penetration and shifting employment, can account for the declining real wages for non-supervisory workers in goods sector industries in the 1980s.

At many colleges a typical mathematics student's introduction to the field of statistics consists of the standard two semester sequence in Probability and Statistics. Indeed, at many smaller colleges, there are the only courses in statistics available for credit towards a math major. A group of statistics educators, with support from the Sloan Foundation's New Liberal Arts Program, has been investigating alternatives to this approach. Our goal is to capture the interest of mathematically talented students and encourage them to pursue further work in statistics. We believe that this goal can be addressed by developing an applied statistics course which exposes students more quickly to the joys of data analysis, emphasizes the applications of statistics, and utilizes their ability/interest in mathematics. The need for such an alternative course, potential pitfalls in its development, and several specific models for its implementation will be discussed.

The need for an applied introductory statistics course for mathematics majors at liberal arts colleges id discussed. General characteristics for such a course are given and specific examples are described in the papers that follow.

Data Analysis: An Adjunct to Mathematical Statistics at Oberlin College

A course in time series analysis offers a number of unique opportunities for introducing mathematically oriented students to the applications of statistics. Characteristics of such a course and its suitability as a "first course" in statistics are discussed.